मराठा विद्या प्रसारक समाज.

जी.एम.डी. कला,बी .डब्लू वाणिज्य आणि विज्ञान महाविद्यालय, सिन्नर

NAAC accredited ‘B++’ Grade with (CGPA 2.76) Best College Award by SPPU in 2012 ISO 9001:2015 Certified College

Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj.

G.M.D. Arts, B.W. Commerce And Science College, Sinnar

NAAC accredited ‘B++’ Grade with (CGPA 2.76) Best College Award by SPPU in 2012 ISO 9001:2015 Certified College

AQAR 2023-24

Part A

Criterion I

1.1.1  Teaching Plan and Syllabus Completion

1.1.2  Policy Document for Internal Examination

1.1.3 Teachers Participation

1.4.1  Stakeholder feedback report

1.4.2   Feedback report

Criterion II

2.2.1  Advanced learners and slow learners

2.3.1  Student centric methods

2.3.2  ICT enabled tools

2.5.1  Mechanism of internal assessment

2.5.2  Internal examination related grievances

2.5.2 Mechanism For Student Grievances - Examination

2.6.1  Programme and course outcomes for all programmes

2.6.2  Attainment of programme outcomes  Annual Report

2.7.1 SSS

Criterion III

3.2.1    Innovation ecosystem for creation and transfer of knowledge Research page on HEI website

3.4.1    Extension Activities

Criterion IV

4.1.1 Physical Facilities for teaching learning

4.1.2 Adequate facilities for cultural, sports, games

4.1.3 ICT enabled classroom facilities

4.2.1 Library using ILMS

4.3.1 IT facilities

4.4.2 Physical, academic and support facilities

Criterion V

5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancements

5.1.4 Guidance for competitive and career council

5.2.2 Students progression

5.2.3 Students qualifying  NET/SET

5.3.2 Students representation and engagement

5.4.1 Alumni association

Criterion VI

6.1.1 Reflective governance

6.1.2 Leadership, decentralization and participative management

6.2.1 Strategic / Perspective plan

6.2.2 Functions of institutional bodies-code of conduct

6.2.2 Organogram

6.3.1 Welfare Measures

6.3.5 Performance appraisal system

6.4.1 Financial Audits (Internal & External)

6.4.3 Mobilization of funds

6.5.1 Contribution of IQAC

6.5.2 Functions of IQAC

6.5.3 Quality Assurance Initiatives

6.5.3 Annual Report

Criterion VII

7.1.1 Promotion of gender equity

7.1.1 Facilities for Women

7.1.9 Sensitisation to constitutional obligations

7.1.9  Sensitisation to constitutional obligations

7.2.1 Best Practices

7.3.1 Distinctiveness

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