The Department of Physics established in 1983 with an objective to develope technical skills among the students and providing quality education in the conventional areas of Science and growing into a center for teaching. The Department offers both UG and PG level advanced courses in Physics. The students are monitored and evaluated by regular class tests, seminars, assignments, mid and end-semester examinations. The Department has eight regular faculties along with three non-teaching staff. The department has three laboratories possessing necessary apparatus including power supplies, basic instruments for performing experiments in UG and PG courses. The department has its own library in addition to central library of the College. Sufficient number of books is available in departmental library to fulfill the requirement of the faculty members and students. The faculty members are specialized in frontier areas of physical sciences and have excellent expertise in their own field. We are proud that our collective enthusiasm is continuously generating a good number of bright students.
Our Vision
Makes department a centre for developing Technically Skilled Manpower for twenty first century.
Our Mission
To inculcate among the students desire for Science Education and Technical Skills, Values and Qualities of Good Citizen, Modern views, Secularism and Scientific Attitude, Social Responsibilities, Descipline, Ethics.
Objectives of Department
To develope technical skills among the student.
To develope solid foundation for career among the student.
To develope the students for latest developments in the various fields of Physics.
To develope research attitude among the students.
Mr. Shinde Madan Dadasaheb
Qualification: M.Sc. (Physics), SET, B.Ed., DMCJ, Research Scholar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 10 Years
Mobile: 9021269384
Mr. Chavan Arun Bhaskar
Head Of Department
Qualification: M.Sc. (Physics), NET, Research Scholar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 9 Years
Mobile: 9158183691
Smt. Ugale Jyoti Shantaram
Qualification: M.Sc. (Physics), B.Ed.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 8 Years
Mobile: 9325740054
Smt. Gunjal Vijayshree Bhausaheb
Qualification: M.Sc. (Physics - SPPU, Pune), SET, B.Ed., Research Scholar
Designation: Assistant professor
Experience: 5Years
Mobile: 7083754214
Smt. Jadhav Anita Ashok
Qualification: M.Sc. (Physics), B.Ed., Research Scholar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experinace: 5 Years
Mobile: 9168294891
Mr. Kute Sagar Ramesh
Qualification: M. Sc. (Physics)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 3 Years
Mobile: 7588097635
Patil Bhagyashri Dinesh
Qualification: M.Sc. (Physics), SET
Desisgnation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 3 Years
Mobile: 8552015292
Mr. Potkule Sopan Chindha
Qualification: M.Sc. (Physics), NET, SET, GATE
Designation: Assistant Professor
Experience: 2 Years
Mobile: 7741892298
Departmental Library
Department of Physics has Departmental Library with the motto "By the student and for the student". The departmental Library is developed from the contribution of staff and students.
Our departmental library consist of total 140 books including references, text books and different useful manuals.
Sr.No |
Course Name |
Start Year |
Duration (Year) |
Type |
Intake (Capacity) |
1 |
B.Sc. Physics |
1986 |
3 Year |
Full Time |
40 |
2 |
M.Sc. Physics |
2016 |
2 Year |
Full Time |
24 |
News & Event
Rare Super Blue, Blood Moon Of Lunar Eclipse
The Sensors And Different Components Used In Project Designing
Workshop On Projects In Electronics
The Department Of Physics Every Year Organizes Guest Lecture For Students On Different Topics. This Year Department Has Organized Workshop For PG And UG On Projects In Electronics. The Aim Of This Workshop Was To Get Proper Guidance For Selecting Topics In Project And What Kind Of Circuits And Component Circuit Consist Of.
The Chief Guest And Resource Person Of This Program Mr. Hemant Kamlaskar From Hemant Electronics Nashik. The Welcome And Introduction Of Resource Person Was Done By Head Of Department Dr. M. K. Zate. Mr. Kamlaskar Sir Has Given Information About Basics In Electronics. The Sensors And Different Components Used In Project Designing. He Has Given Different Industrial Applications Of Project That Can Be Used To Overcome Problems. All Students Have Given Good Response For Project. It Was Nice Workshop So That Students Can Design Their Projects From Own Ideas
National Science Days Was Celebrating In Our Department
Sr.No |
Class |
Syllabus File |
1 |
M. Sc. (I & II) 2023 Pattern |
2 |
M.Sc. Physics (Part-I & II) |
3 |
T.Y.B.Sc. Sem- V & VI |
4 |
S.Y.B.Sc. Sem- III & IV |
5 |
F.Y.B.Sc. Sem- I & II |
Results Analysis
Sr.No |
Academic Year |
Class |
Total Student |
Total Pass |
Total Fail |
% of Passing |
1 |
2022-23 |
M.Sc. Physics |
13 |
11 |
02 |
84.61 |
2 |
2022-23 |
T.Y.B.Sc. Physics |
19 |
17 |
02 |
89.47 |
3 |
2021-22 |
M.Sc. Physics |
14 |
09 |
05 |
64.28 |
4 |
2021-22 |
T.Y.B.Sc. Physics |
22 |
12 |
10 |
54.55 |
Research Papers
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Article/ Paper |
Name of the Journal |
Vol. No. & Page No / Month and Year |
Whether you are the main Author |
No. of Coauthors’ |
ISSN No. |
Impact Factor |
UGC-CARE/Scopus/Web of Science |
Link |
File |
1 |
Dr. Zate M. K. |
Assistant Professor |
Green synthesis of MgO nanoparticles using aqueous leaf extract of Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) and evaluation of their catalytic and biological activities |
Inorganic Chemistry Communications |
Accepted 2 February 2022 |
No |
4 |
1387-7003 |
2.495 |
Elsevier | |
2 |
Dr. Zate M. K. |
Assistant Professor |
A novel bio-fabrication of ZnO nanoparticles using cow urine and study of their photocatalytic, antibacterial and antioxidant activities |
Inorganic Chemistry Communications |
Available online- 5 October 2021 |
No |
4 |
1387-7003 |
2.495 |
Elsevier | |
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Book |
Name of Chapter |
Editor/Author Co-Author(s) |
Name of the Publisher |
Month, Year |
ISBN No. |
Link |
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Patent |
National/ International |
Patent No. |
Funding Agency |
Details of Patent |
Link |
Research Projects
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Project |
Funding Agency |
Grant Sections |
Duration |
Project Status |
Letter |
Consultancy / Collaboration
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Project |
Funding Agency |
Grant Sections |
Duration |
Project Status |
Letter |
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Award /Fellowship |
Name of the Institute |
Whether International/National |
Date of Award |
Letter |
Research Guidance
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
M.Phil/Ph.D |
Name of the Scholar |
Title of the Topic/ Thesis |
Submitted/ Awarded(Pls. Specify |
Name of the University |
Month and Year |
Letter |
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Party 1 Name |
Party 2 Name |
Date of MoU |
From Date |
To Date |
Letter |
Paper Presentation
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Paper Presented |
Title of Seminar/Conference With Date |
Organized By |
Whether International/National/ State University Level |
Date |
Letter |
Activity Reports
Sr.No |
Title |
Report File |
1 |
Best Practice of Department |
2 |
2017-18 Recent Trends in Research, Education etc. |
3 |
2020-21 Workshop on Projects in Electronics |
4 |
2019-20 Energy Audit Report |
5 |
2020-21 Solar Energy Report |
6 |
2018-19 Solar Energy Report |
7 |
2020-21 Workshop on Projects |
8 |
2019-20 Science Exhibition |
9 |
2018-19 Career Options |
10 |
2017-18 Lecture on Space Science |
Sr.No |
Title |
File |
1 |
T.Y.B.Sc/M.Sc Project 2022-23 |
2 |
M.Sc. Project 2021-22 |
3 |
T.Y.B.Sc. Project 2021-22 |
4 |
Physics Formula Sheet |
5 |
List of Scientist & their inventions. |