Update history, Upgrade Present
Vision and Mission
- Transform the students into citizens who are critically informed about the past and its consequences for the present
- Promote studies in history, society and culture of Maharashtra in general and Maratha history in particular
- To help the student to understand the history
- To highlight the factors and forces behind the rise, growth and spread of civilization and culture of India along with the dynastic history
Gade Shrikant Manaji
Name: Gade Shrikant Manaji
Qualification: M.A..B.Ed SET (History, )
Experience: 9
E-mail ID shrikantgade4@gmail.com
Mobile: 8605782295
More Smital Raosaheb
Name:More Smital Raosaheb
Qualification: M.A.M.Ed SET (History, Education)
Experience: 4
E-mail ID moresmital162gmail.com
Mobile: 9970033460
Pawashe Kavita Balasaheb
Name: Pawashe Kavita Balasaheb
Qualification: M.A.M.Ed (History, Education)
Experience: 1 Year
E-mail Id: kaviavi29@gmail.com
Mobile: 8975487770
Department of History has Departmental Library with the motto "By the student and for the student". The departmental Library is developed from the contribution of staff and students.
Our departmental library consist of 20 reference books, 07 text books some useful manuals.
Sr.No |
Course Name |
Start Year |
Duration (Year) |
Type |
Intake (Capacity) |
1 |
BA |
1969 |
3 Years |
Aided |
60 |
News & Event
Field Visit
Field Visit
Department Of History Has Organised Field Visit To The Gondeshwar Temple, Sinnar On 13/04/2022. In All, 33 Students Were Present For The Visit. The Main Aim Behind The Visit Is To Make The Studnets Aware Of The Historical Structures Of The Temples Of Hemadpanthi From The Era Of Yadavas.
Inauguration Of The Social Science Association
Inauguration Of The Social Science Association
Inauguration Of The Social Science Association Was Organised By The Department Of History Along With The Department Of Geography, Political Science, Economics And Defense Studies On 18th November 2021.There Were 82 Students Present For The Program. Dr. Ashok Deshmukh, Stress Management Trainer Was Present As A Resource Person. He Inagurated The Function Antalked About The Imopotance Of Social Sciences And Also Focused On Stress Mangagement.
Gandhi Vichar Sanskar Pariksha
Gandhi Vichar Sanskar Pariksha
The Department Of Histoty has Conducted Gandhi Vichar Sanskar Pariksha On 05 Feb 2022. 128 Students Have Appeared For The Examination. The Program Was Organised By Gandi Research Foundation, Jalgoan.
Birth Anniversary Of First Bajirao Peshawe
Birth Anniversary Of First Bajirao Peshawe
The Department Of History Has Organised A Visit To Village, Dubere As The Birthplace Of First Bajirao Peshawe On The Occasion Of His Birth Anniversary On On 20 Sep. 2021. The Student Has Collected The Information About The The Palace And The Historical Personality First Bajirao Peshawe.
Birth Anniversary Of Shivaji Maharaj
Birth Anniversary Of Shivaji Maharaj
The Department Of History Has Organised The The Program Of The Birth Anniversary Of Shivaji Maharaj On 19th Feb. 2021 At 10.00a.m. The Guest Of Honor For The Program Was Dr. Aaba Patil, Orator Of Shivaji Maharaj. He Compared The Current Scenario With The Era Of Raja Shivaji And Painted A Nice Picture Of The Era Through Words On Front Of The Listeners.
Sr.No |
Class |
Syllabus File |
1 |
TYBA (2013 Pattern) |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Results Analysis
Sr.No |
Academic Year |
Class |
Total Student |
Total Pass |
Total Fail |
% of Passing |
1 |
2018-19 |
T.Y.B.A. (History) |
50 |
31 |
19 |
62.00 |
2 |
2019-20 |
T.Y.B.A. (History) |
53 |
47 |
06 |
88.07 |
3 |
2020-21 |
T.Y.B.A. (History) |
26 |
21 |
05 |
80.76 |
4 |
2021-22 |
T.Y.B.A. (History) |
35 |
33 |
02 |
94.28 |
5 |
2022-2023 |
T.Y.B.A. (History) |
21 |
20 |
01 |
95.23 |
6 |
2021-2022 |
35 |
14 |
21 |
40% |
7 |
2020-21 |
26 |
19 |
07 |
73.07 |
Research Papers
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Article/ Paper |
Name of the Journal |
Vol. No. & Page No / Month and Year |
Whether you are the main Author |
No. of Coauthors’ |
ISSN No. |
Impact Factor |
UGC-CARE/Scopus/Web of Science |
Link |
File |
1 |
More Smital Raosaheb |
Assistant Professor |
Mahatma Gandhi: An Educational Thought |
Platinum Jubilee of Indian Independence: Relevance of Gandhian Ideaology |
Nov. 2021 |
Yes |
Nil |
978-87-949467-0-0 |
- |
National Book |
- |
2 |
More Smital Raosaheb |
Assistant Professor |
Vishnu Muthi Olakh |
Shodhankan |
June 2021 |
Yes |
Nil |
2250-0383 |
0.241 |
International Peer Refreed & Reviewed Journal |
- |
3 |
More Smital Raosaheb |
Assistant Professor |
Sinnar Shaharacha Sthanic Itihas |
Shodhankan |
Vol. 1, Issue-1,, April-2021 |
Yes |
Nil |
2250-0383 |
0.421 |
International Peer Refreed & Reviewed Journal |
- |
4 |
Prof. Aware |
Assistant Professor |
Atrocity Act and Dalit & Adiwasi Samaj |
Research Journey |
March-2018 |
Yes |
Nil |
ISSN-2348-7143 |
3.452 |
International Peer Refreed & Indexed Journal |
- |
5 |
Prof. Aware |
Assistant Professor |
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar & Education of Depress Class Society |
Research Journey |
Sep-2017 |
Yes |
Nil |
ISSN-2348-7143 |
3.452 |
Peer Reviewed Journal |
- |
6 |
Prof. Aware |
Assistant Professor |
Kashmir & Terrorism |
Research Journey |
August 2017 |
Yes |
Nil |
ISSN-2348-7143 |
3.452 |
Peer Reviewed Journal |
- |
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Book |
Name of Chapter |
Editor/Author Co-Author(s) |
Name of the Publisher |
Month, Year |
ISBN No. |
Link |
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Patent |
National/ International |
Patent No. |
Funding Agency |
Details of Patent |
Link |
Research Projects
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Project |
Funding Agency |
Grant Sections |
Duration |
Project Status |
Letter |
Consultancy / Collaboration
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Project |
Funding Agency |
Grant Sections |
Duration |
Project Status |
Letter |
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Award /Fellowship |
Name of the Institute |
Whether International/National |
Date of Award |
Letter |
Research Guidance
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
M.Phil/Ph.D |
Name of the Scholar |
Title of the Topic/ Thesis |
Submitted/ Awarded(Pls. Specify |
Name of the University |
Month and Year |
Letter |
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Party 1 Name |
Party 2 Name |
Date of MoU |
From Date |
To Date |
Letter |
Paper Presentation
Sr.No |
Name |
Designation |
Title of the Paper Presented |
Title of Seminar/Conference With Date |
Organized By |
Whether International/National/ State University Level |
Date |
Letter |
1 |
Prof. D.N. Dimber |
Assistant Professor |
Dr. Ambedkar yanche Arthik Tatvadyan ani Rajya Samajwad |
Tribal Movements in Maharashtra |
GMD Arts, BW Commerce and Sci. College Sinnar Nashik & SPPU |
State |
2018-02-24 |
2 |
Prof. Aware & Prof. Gade S.M. |
Assistant Professor |
Atrocity Act and Dalit & Adiwasi Samaj |
Tribal Movements in Maharashtra |
GMD Arts, BW Commerce and Sci. College Sinnar Nashik & SPPU |
State |
2018-02-24 |
Activity Reports
Sr.No |
Title |
Report File |
1 |
2022-2023 |
2 |
2022-2023 |
3 |
2022-2023 |
4 |
2022-2023 |
5 |
2022-2023 |
6 |
2022-2023 |
7 |
2017-2018 |
8 |
2018-2019 |
9 |
2020-2021 |
10 |
2020-2021 |
11 |
2021-2022 |
12 |
2021-2022 |
13 |
2021-22 |
14 |
2021-22 |
15 |
2021-22 |
16 |
2020-21 |
17 |
2019-20 |
18 |
2018-19 |
19 |
2017-18 |
20 |
2020-2021 |
21 |
2020-21 |
22 |
2021-2022 |
23 |
2021-2022 |
24 |
2021-2022 |
25 |
2021-2022 |
26 |
2021-2022 |
27 |
2021-2022 |
28 |
2020-21 |
29 |
2020-21 |
30 |
2020-21 |
31 |
2021-2022 |
32 |
2021-2022 |
33 |
2021-2022 |
34 |
2021-2022 |
35 |
2021-2022 |
36 |
2021-2022 |
Sr.No |
Title |
File |
1 |
History Project 2022-23 |
2 |
T.Y.B.A. Project 2021-22 |