Images and Audio Uploader addon for CKEditor


1. To use this addon in CKEditor, copy the "iaupload.php" file directly in the "ckeditor/plugins/" folder.

2. Change the values of $upload_dir array (lines: 6, 7), to set the path of the folders where to upload images and audio files on your server, RELATIVE TO THE ROOT OF YOUR WEBSITE ON SERVER (it can be the same directory).

3. By default, if the name of the uploaded file exists in the directory for upload, it will be renamed with "filename_NR.ext" (NR is a number). If you want to Overwrite the existing file, set value of 0 to RENAME_F (line 28).

4. Set CHMOD writable permision (0777) to the folders for images and audio files on your server (if on Linux system), to allow PHP to upload the files.

5. Enable the plugin by adding the filebrowserImageUploadUrl parameter in CKEditor configuration on your page, and set to allow <audio> tag in content (with: extraAllowedContent ):
CKEDITOR.replace('textareaId', {
  "filebrowserImageUploadUrl": "/path_to/ckeditor/plugins/imgupload.php"
CKEDITOR.config.extraAllowedContent = 'audio[*]{*}';  //to allow audio tag

- CKEditor addon from:

• For quesions or problems related to this script, write on the forum: